The dinner train melodrama proved to be successful for the train operation, so we decided to produce a second one with five cast members instead of the original four. Veteran melodrama actress Shannon Marple-Hespe agreed to direct and a cast was selected for the 1996 season.
Grammie.................Emily C. Williams
I. B. Fowler.....................Brett Sheridan
Sugar........................Shannon Marple-Hespe
Bob Faithful...................Jared Minary
Teddi Bustier......................Jennifer Walker
Producer ....................John Burkhart
Producer..........................John Burkhart
Music Director...........Shannon Marple-Hespe
Costumes........Donna Himmelberger
Grammie Grumpree (Emily C. Williams) cowers and heroine Sugar Goodbody (Shannon Marple-Hespe) looks on in shock as hero Bob Faithful (Jared Minary) is threatened by villain I. B. Fowler (Brett Sheridan).