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Our History
Mahoney State Park

May 26, 2000, was the starting
date for the eighth Mahoney State Park melodrama season. Approximately the same schedule of shows as in previous
seasons was continued in 2000. Also the dinner train show and the fall season were both continued with approximately
the same number of performances. Our casting of three female and three male actors remained the same as in 1999 and
the same casting requirements of four actors and five respectively for the fall and dinner train shows were employed.
The usual personnel changes were made to all casts, and Brian Lucas agreed to direct the train show as Ed Dill moved
out of the state. D. Chapelle continued in his capacity as writer/director/actor for the fall show. The plays selected
for production at Mahoney were "The Creeper of Crestwood" and "Mary's Peril", by D, Chapelle, and
"Border Bandits" by John Burkhart. The play chosen for the dinner train was "Scoundrel of Dagger gulch",
an original written expressly for the train by D. Chapelle. The fall season ran a total of 10 weeks and has proven to be
very popular with Park visitors. Five actors were cast for this show, two female and three male. The play chosen for the
fall was "The Baron's Revenge" written by D. Chapelle. It was also decided to add a piano player for the
first time. Linda Laessle and Lynette Zimmer, both veteran performers from past seasons, shared the duties.
The Production Staff for the 2000 season:
Producer/Director .......John Burkhart
Music Director ...........Lynette Zimmer
Costumes .........Donna Himmelberger
Set Design ....................... John Burkhart
Technical Director........Tom Curtright
Set Construction .........Mark Matulka,
.......Nick Robinson, Steve Coffey
The Cast of "The Creeper of Crestwood"
Snitley Wormwood ......Dana A Wheatley
Gump .................Scott Dunn
Mrs. Viola Watt .......Kaili West
Bitsy Caprice .......Jade Lewis
Kristine Crestwood ...Kristine Kapustka
Fred McAble .........Fred Gartner
The cast of "Mary's Peril"
J. Alvin Acne .......Fred Gartner
Ida Dustmore .........Kaili West
Sweet Mary Rogers .....Jade Lewis
Sheriff Horace Witless ......Dana A. Wheatley
Side-Kick Jones ........Scott Dunn
Sandi Hills ........Kristine Kapustka
The cast of "Border Bandits"
Libby Libation ...........Jade Lewis
Reverend Hugh Boring ........Fred Gartner
Dastardly Drygulch ........Dana A Wheatley
Trixie LaRue Jones ..........Kristine Kapustka
Marie Marie .............Kaili West
Donny Dynamite ...........Scott Dunn
The Mahoney State Park Fall Melodrama:
"The Baron's Revenge"
Emma Wright ..........Kristine Kapustka
Rogi ...............Vicki Clark
The Baron ............D. Chapelle
Constable von Constable ...John Burkhart
The Monster ........Fred Gartner
Bitsy Caprice (Jade Lewis) and Kristine
Crestwood (Kristine Kapustka) are frightened by...The Creeper of Crestwood!
Pictured left to right: Villain J. Alvin Acne
(Fred Gartner), vamp Sandi Hills (Kristine Kapustka), heroine Sweet Mary Rogers (Jade Lewis), hero
Sheriff Horace Witless (Dana A. Wheatley) and side-kick Side Kick Jones (Scott Dunn)
Pictured left to right: Hero Donny Dynamite
(Scott Dunn) Heroine Marie Marie (Kaili West) Reverend Hugh Boring (Fred Gartner) saloon owner Libby
Libation (Jade Lewis) Saloon Lady Trixie LaRue Jones (Kristine Kapustka)and villain
Dastardly Drygulch (Dana A. Wheatley).
Heroine Emma Wright (Kristine Kapustka) is menaced by
the villainous Baron (D. Chapelle) and his evil assistant Rogi (Vicki Clark).