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Mahoney State Park

On May 26, the 2006 season opened with "Showdown At Sundown" by D.Chapelle,
beginning our 14th summer season. Also performed in repertory were "Train To Danger"
by John Burkhart and "The Dean's Deception" by new author and long-time Mahoney
Melodrama actor Fred Gartner. Mr. Chapelle returned for his 12th fall season writing, directing
and appearing in "Lights, Camera, Danger!"
Production Staff for the 2006 summer season
Producer/Director .......John Burkhart
Music Director .......Julie Eschliman
Costume Design .....Donna Himmelberger
Set Design/Construction ...Mark Matulka
The Cast Of "The Dean's Deception"
by Fred Gartner
Dean Dean Mean....Bret Waldon
Olga Carbuncle......Carrie Brown
Sparky Sparkson.....Katherine Garst
Antoinette Antonym...Kara Davidson
Bartholomew........Sean Connealey
(Note: Dean Mean was also
played by Robert W.L. Krecklow on occasion)
The cast of "Showdown At Sundown"
by D. Chapelle
Luke Lavender.....Sean Connealey
Belladonna Slither.....Kara Davidson
Carbine Molly Muldoon...Carrie Brown
Sam Steadfast..........Bret Waldon
Annie Pleasant.....Katherine Garst
ter>(Note: Sam Steadfast
was also played by Robert W.L. Krecklow on occasion)
The cast of "Train To Danger"
by John Burkhart
Charity Pullman....Kara Davidson
Hope Pullman.....Katherine Garst
Faith Pullman......Carrie Brown
Tom Truetrack......Bret Waldon
Simon Sidetrack...Sean Connealey
(Note: Tom Truetrack
was also played by Robert W.L. Krecklow on occasion)
The first cast of the summer
repertory season. Left to right, Carrie Brown, Robert Krecklow, Katherine Garst, Kara Davidson and Sean Connealy
The second cast of the summer repertory
season. Left to right, Bret Waldon, Carrie Brown (Birthday Girl), Kara Davidson, Katherine Garst and Sean Connealy
Additional Pictures
Scenes from "The Dean's Deception"
here for additional pictures of "The Dean's Deception"
Scenes from "Showdown At Sundown"
Click here
for additional pictures of "Showdown At Sundown"

Scenes from "Train To Danger"
Click here
for additional pictures of "Train To Danger"
Click here
for summer album.
The Staff of "Lights, Camera, Danger
Producer......John Burkhart
Director........D. Chapelle
Music Director..Cecilia Burkhart
Costume Design...Donna Himmleberger
Set Design/Construction...Mark Matulka
The cast of "Lights, Camera, Danger!"
by D. Chapelle
Teddi Goodman...Kristine Kapustka
Wally Wessell....D. Chapelle
Stony Bridges..Bret J. Olsen/Fred Gartner
Daisy Wessell.....Cecilia Burkhart
Otto Von Sternum....John Burkhart
Delmar Ditherzinger...D. Chapelle
The Cast of the fall
show, "Lights, Camera, Danger"! Left to right, John Burkhart, Cecilia Burkhart,
Fred Gartner, Kristine Kapustka, Bret Olsen and D. Chapelle
Scenes from "Lights, Camera, Danger!"
Click here
for additional pictures of "Lights. Camera, Danger"