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Mahoney State Park

The Production Staff for the 2010 season:
Producer/Director .......D. Chapelle
Music Director .......Julie Eschliman
Costumes .........Donna Himmelberger
Set Design .............. D. Chapelle
Set Construction .........Mark Matulka,
.......Steve Coffey
The cast of "Miss Twain's Train Trouble"
by D. Chapelle
Dewey Cheatum..........Sean McGill
Richard Driverman...Gary Henderson
TitaniaTwain........Cathrine Dvorak
MalloryTwain...........Lucy Myrtue
Valerie Twain.........Sarah Carlson
The Cast Of "Alone on the Range"
by D. Chapelle
Humphry Hupperduck........Sean McGill
Tilla DeHon.............Lucy Myrtue
Edwina Justice........Cathrine Dvorak
Mindy Manners...........Sarah Carlson
Johnny Sterling........Gary Henderson
The cast of "The Villain's Secret"
by John Burkhart
Loretta Lovestruck........Lucy Myrtue
Laura Lovestruck........Sarah Carlson
Sylvester S. Stoneheart.. Gary Henderson
Vanya Vandalgrabber....Cathrine Dvorak
Rex Robust...............Sean McGill
The Cast of the Summer
Repertory Season. Pictured left to right: Lucy Myrtue, Sean McGill,
Gary Henderson, Sarah Carlson, Cathrine Dvorak
Additional Pictures
The staff of the fall season,"Peril of the Polls"
Producer .......D. Chapelle
Director .........John Burkhart
Music Director ......Julie Eschliman
Costume Design ....Donna Himmelberger
Set Design .........John Burkhart
Set Construction .....Mark Matulka,
..............Dave Jjus, Gary Ficken
The cast of the fall melodrama: "Peril of the Polls"
Wilhelmina Wessell....Kristine Kapustka
Trooper Cooper............Robie Hayek
Hugh Beast...............Sean McGill
Daisy Wessell........Cecilia Burkhart
Sen. Ned Nienerniener...John Burkhart
The Cast of the Fall Season.
Pictured left to right: Kristine Kapustka, Sean McGill, Robie Hayek
Pictured left to right:
Michael DeLarossa, Cecilia Burkhart, D. Chapelle, Kristine Kapustka, Robie Hayek, John Burkhart
Pictured left to right:
John Burkhart, Cecilia Burkhart, D. Chapelle, Kristine Kapustka, Fred Gartner