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Our History
Mahoney State Park

2015 brings us to our 23rd season at Mahoney.
The Production Staff for the 2015 Summer Season
Producer/Director .....D. Chapelle
Music Director..... Julie Eschliman
Costume Design ....Katherine Cover
Set Construction ....Mark Matulka, Steve Coffey
The Production Staff for the 2015 Fall Season
Producer/Director .....D. Chapelle
Music Director..... Julie Eschliman
Costume Design ....Katherine Cover
Cake Designed & Built by John Burkhart
The Cast of "The Villain of Mystery Island"
Amber Giving......Rachel Robbins
Flouncy Vonbonbon......Brenna hill
Dr. Guy Hansen......Shade Ingraham
Prudence Partridgeberry....Samantha Desh
Klaus Blitzmiester......Tony Thomas
The cast of "Menace at Midnight"
Millie Sweetum....Samantha Desh
Nora Snaggle......Brenna Hill
Teddy Able.....Shade Ingraham
Beau Bonnik........Tony Thomas
Agnes......Rachel Robbins
The cast of "The Dastardly Director"
Violet Fields........Brenna Hill
Brimstone Lemmon.......Shade Ingraham
Monet Grubber.....Samantha Desh
Guy Stalwart........Tony Thomas
Jade Fields..........Rachel Robbins
The cast of "Dangerous Waters"
Amy Lovely........Casandra Rhoads
Filmore Filcher.......D. Chapelle
Morgana Snit.....Stefanie Geist
Aunt Aggie........Rachel Robbins
Hoot Galoot..........Mark Geist
Summer Show Pictures
Samantha Desh
Brenna Hill
Rachel Robbins
Tony Thomas
Shade Ingraham with Samantha Desh
Fall Show Pictures
Rachel Robbins and D. Chapelle
Rachel Robbins, Casandra Rhoads, D. Chapelle
Mark and Stephanie Geist