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Our History
Mahoney State Park

Celebrating 25 seasons at Mahoney!
The Production Staff for the 2017 Summer Season
Producer .....D. Chapelle
Director .....Rachel Robbins
Music Director..... Julie Eschliman
Costume & Set Design ..Katherine Cover
Set Construction..Mark Matulka
The Production Staff for the 2017 Fall Melodrama
Producer .....D. Chapelle & Rachel Robbins
Director .....Rachel Robbins & D. Chapelle
Music Director..... Julie Eschliman
Costume Design ..Katherine Cover
Set Construction..Mark Matulka
The Cast of "Showdown at Sundown"
by D. Chapelle
Sam Steadfast......Shade Ingraham
Annie Pleasant...Samantha Desh
Luke Lavender....Hunter Mruz
Belladonna Slither..Lindsey Parodi
Carbine Molly Muldoon...Riley Ford
The cast of "The Silent Treatment"
by D. Chapelle
Harlow Hovelmonger....Shade Ingraham
Lilith Angel......Samantha Desh
Champ Braverman..Hunter Mruz
Bethany Angel.....Lindsey Parodi
Emma Erie......Riley Ford
The cast of "Alone on the Range"
by D. Chapelle
Humphrey Humperduck.....Shade Ingraham
Tilla deHon..Samantha Desh
Johnny Sterling.....Hunter Mruz
Mindy Manners..Lindsey Parodi
Edwina Justice..........Riley Ford
The cast of "The Creeper of Crestwood"
by D. Chapelle
kristine Crestwood.....Casandra Rhoads
Fred McAble.........Mark Geist
Bitsy Caprice.....Stefanie Geist
Mrs. Watt........Rachel Robbins
Gump.............Shade Ingraham
Snitley Wormwood........D. Chapelle
( Left picture.) Our new director, Rachel Robbins!.
(Right Picture) The 2017 Summer melodrama cast, (left to right) Shade Ingraham, Hunter Mruz,
Samantha Desh, Lindsey Parodi, Riley Ford.