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Mahoney State Park

Celebrating 27 seasons at Mahoney!
The Production Staff for the 2019 Summer Season
Producer/Director .....Rachel Robbins
Music Director..... Julie Eschliman
Costums.....Katherine Cover
Set Construction..Mark Matulka
The Cast of "The Scoundrel of Dagger Gulch"
by D. Chapelle
Dirk Dagger......Shade Ingraham
Preston Goodly......Luke Morken
Rita Wigglesmore...Tatianna Hizar
Flora Darling........Riley Ford
Daisy Darling...Colette Williams
The cast of "The Rose of Dismal Flats"
by D. Chapelle
Martin Staunchly..Shade Ingraham
Uriah Flackhacker......Luke Morkin
Alice Hopemoore..Tatianna Hizar
Veronica Vavoom.....Riley Ford
Rose Hopemoore..Colette Williams
The cast of "The Hard Working Hardy Girls"
by D. Chapelle
Coamo Incognito..Shade Ingraham
Billy Charming......Luke Morkin
Holly Hardy..Tatianna Hizar
Angie Plodnik.....Riley Ford
Nadia Charming..Colette Williams
The cast of the 2019 summer melodramas. (L to R) Colette Williams, Shade Ingraham, Tatianna Hizar, Luke Morkin, Riley Ford