Our History
Mahoney State Park

28 Years Of Melodramas At Mahoney!
The Production Staff for the 2021 Summer Season
Producer/Director .....Rachel Robbins
Music Director..... Julie Eschliman
Set Construction..Mark Matulka
The cast of "Goodbody's Gold"
by D. Chapelle
Teddi Bustier....Samantha Desh
Ignatz B. Fowler....Shade Ingraham
Grammie Grumpree....Tatianna Davis
Sugar Goodbody....Colette Williams
Grant Cash....Phillip Crawford
The cast of "Train to Danger"
by John Burkhart
Faith Pullman....Tatianna Davis
Hope Pullman....Colette Williams
Charity Pullman....Samantha Desh
Simon Sidetrack....Shade Ingraham
Tom Truetrack....Phillip Crawford
The cast of "Border Bandits"
by John Burkhart
Marie Marie.....Samantha Desh
Donny Dynamite....Shade Ingraham
Libby Libation....Tatianna Davis
Ima Boring....Colette Williams
Dastardly Drygulch....Phillip Crawford
The cast of the fall show "The Dark Widow's Deceit"
by Julie Eschliman
Hartley Gold....Shade Ingraham
Daisy McBride.....Samantha Desh
Portia McBride....Colette Williams
Wes Wigglesworth....Weston Robbins
Officer Betty Bumbleton....Rachel Robbins
Scenes From "The Dark Widow's Deceit"
