Our History
Mahoney State Park

29 Years Of Melodramas At Mahoney!
The Production Staff for the 2022 Summer Season
Producer/Director .....Rachel Robbins
Music Director..... Julie Eschliman
Set Construction..Mark Matulka
The cast of "Rustlers of Red Rock"
by D. Chapelle
Quiet Harry....D. Chapelle
Lilly White....Colette Williams
Blossom White....Elizabeth Maack
Scarlette Vixen....Samantha Desh
Shame Bushwacker....Shade Ingraham
Steve Dashing....Steve Crawford
The cast of "Dragon Slayer"
by Julie Eschliman
Patience....Colette Williams
Polly....Samantha Desh
Dragon....Elizabeth Maack
Brutua the Brave....Shade Ingraham
Orlando....Phillip Crawford
The cast of "Something's Rotten in Green Bend"
by Julie Eschliman
Holly Hathaway.....Samantha Desh
Viola Marlow....Collette Williams
Cordelia Marlow....Elizabeth Maack
Monty Marlow....Phillip Crawford
William (Billy) Marlow.....Shade Ingraham
The cast of the 2022 Summer Melodramas
summer Melodramas, left to right: Shade Ingraham, D. Chapelle, Elizabeth Maack, Colette Williams, Samantha Desh, and Phillip Crawford.
The three Producer/Directors of the Mahoney State Park Melodramas
left to right: John Burkhart - 1993 to 2009, Rachel Robbins - 2018 to present, D.Chapelle - 2010 to 2017.

The cast of the fall show "Ghost of a Chanceit"
by D. Chapelle
Smedley Floggharder....Shade Ingraham
May Decembember.....Samantha Desh
Todd McValiant....Austin Rousseau
Gram June Decembember....Riley Ford
April Decembember....Collette Williams
The cast of the 2022 fall melodrama. (L to R) Colette Williams, Shade Ingraham, Austin Rousseau, Samantha Desh, Riley Ford
Scenes From "Ghost of a Chance"
