Our History
Mahoney State Park

30 Years Of Melodramas At Mahoney!
The Production Staff for the 2023 Summer Season
Producer/Director .....Rachel Robbins
Music Director..... Julie Eschliman
Set Construction..Mark Matulka
The cast of "Robber's Roost"
by John Burkhart
Ramona Scalawag....Colette Williams
Ma Quigley....Megan Jerebeck
Annabelle Smith....Samantha Desh
Sam Sidewinder....Shade Ingraham
Slowpoke Jones....Austin Rousseau
The cast of "Two Gun Junction"
by D.Chapelle
Juliette Goodworth....Colette Williams
Alabama Betty....Megan Jerebeck
Suze Friendly....Samantha Desh
Addison Adder....Shade Ingraham
Mace Romerero....Austin Rousseau
The cast of "Pirates of the Platte"
by Julie Eschliman
Ryder Redbeard....Colette Williams
Murky Waters....Megan Jerebeck
Misty Waters....Samantha Desh
Scurvy Waters....Shade Ingraham
Jake Swift....Austin Rousseau
The cast of the 2023 Summer Melodramas
left to right: Colette Williams, Austin Rousseau, Samantha Desh, Megan Jerebeck, and Shade Ingraham.

The cast of the fall show"Ranger's Danger"
by John Burkhart
Hunter Sieckmeyer- Phineas McFoulbreath
Walker (1yr)- Spunky the skunk
Ian Cullin- Roger Steelheart
Weston (4yr)- Rick Steelheart
Collette Williams- Ella Charity
Rachel Robbins- Stella Charity
Samantha Desh- Della Charity
The cast of the 2023 Fall Melodrama
left to right: Samantha Desh, Hunter Sieckmeyer, Weston Robbins, Collette Williams, Ian Cullin, Rachel Robbins and Walker Robbins.
