Our History
Mahoney State Park

31 Years Of Melodramas At Mahoney!
The Production Staff for the 2024 Summer Season
Producer/Director .....Rachel Robbins
Music arranged and performed by: Julie Eschilman
Set constructed by Mark Matulka and crew, painted and enhanced by the talented Roseanne and Ken Scurto
Lights and Sound by Zach Wasserman
And a special thank you to:
Michael Townsend, Zach Kelly, Kent Rung, Melody Dillon, Kim Barnes, and all the Eugene T. Mahoney State staff!
The cast of "B Mine Forever"
by John Burkhart
Oswald Blackhead....Shade Ingraham
LaVerne Laredo....Elizabeth Maack
Melody Moonstruck....Samantha Desh
Digger Malone....Ian Cullin
Priscilla Poorhouse....Collette Williams
The cast of "Gary Botter and the Divining Sphere"
by Julie Eschliman
Rufus Nastius....Shade Ingraham
Lily Lightheart....Elizabeth Maack
Pixie Piper....Samantha Desh
Gary Botter....Ian Cullin
Professor Trope Weston- Headmaster Dribblemore....Collette Williams
The cast of "Phantom of Darkgrove"
by D.Chapelle
Akroyd Darkgrove....Shade Ingraham
Dottie Darkgrove....Rachel Robbins
Dexter Darkgrove and Phantom....Ian Cullin
Earnestine and May Hemm....Samantha Desh
Tillie Webbshuttle....Collette Williams
The cast of the 2024 Summer Melodramas
left to right: Rachel Robbins Shade Ingraham, Colette Williams, Ian Cullin, Samantha Desh, and Elizabeth Maack.
