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Scripts For Sale 

"School Marm's Matrimony Mayhem"

by D.Chapelle

Some Excerpts:

BIFF: Hey, Wilbur, let's you and me go fishing.

WILBUR: What? Biff, you know I hate fishin'.

CALLIOPE: (Spinning on the guys.) And as for you two!

WILBUR: I'll get the bait.

CALLIOPE: Freeze you two!

BIFF: Wilbur, it's too late.

WILBUR: Suddenly I'm feelin' like the worm.

CALLIOPE: As well you should.

MOLLY: (Rushing down the stairs and into Biff's arms.) Oh, Biff, it's so good to have you home.

WILBUR: Saved by the blonde.

BRENDA: Molly, what's got into you? You look more shook up than a three legged cat at a dog show.

MOLLY: Biff, he's back!

WILBUR: Who's back?

MOLLY: Blacky's back. I … don't know how, but he's back. He's here!

BIFF: Molly, honey, calm down. You know as well as I do that Blacky's safely locked away.

WILBUR: It's gonna be some time before he gets out.

BRENDA: Calliope, why don't you go get Molly a glass of something cool and calming.

CALLIOPE: Lemonade?

BRENDA: I was thinking more along the lines of whiskey on the rocks.

MOLLY: I don't drink.

BRENDA: This might be a good time to start. (Brenda exits.)

CALLIOPE: I'll go with her to make sure she only puts lemonade in the lemonade. (Calliope exits.)

MOLLY: Thank you, Calliope.

BIFF: Now, what were you saying about Blacky?

(Blacky enters unseen by Biff or Wilbur. Blacky waltzes across the stage to the nearest exit.)

MOLLY: He's back! Blacky's back.

WILBUR: Molly that just can't be.

MOLLY: But it is! He … he's right here! He's the one who's been moving things. He … he put invisible ink in the ink-wells at school. Miss DeHon told me.

WILBUR: Is she here too? (Wilbur turns and Blacky ducks behind a chair.)

BIFF: Molly, Miss DeHon isn't here. MOLLY: Why won't you believe me!

MOLLY: Blacky is here. He's here and he … he's trying to drive me crazy!

WILBUR: Biff, could I talk to you for a minute? (Wilbur leads Biff away from Molly.)

BIFF: What's on your mind, Wilbur?

WILBUR: Biff, I don't know how to say this so I'm gonna say it straight away. Biff … She's nuts. She's gone fruitier than grandma's fruit cake. In the nut barrel of life she's the biggest nut in the batch.

BIFF: Wilbur! I get the idea. Come on, Wilbur, I got an idea. (He leads Wilbur back to Molly.) Listen, Molly, we've been talking and we don't really think it's possible that Blacky got out of prison again.

MOLLY: Then … then you don't believe me Biff?

BIFF: I'm thinking it may be the stress of the wedding and the school tests and everything else that's been going on.

MOLLY: But Biff …

BIFF: But this is Blacky LaRoach. We've been wrong about that rascal before.