![]() Scripts For Sale "Prairied Treasure" by D. Chapelle Some Excerpts: SIRIUS: Good! (Sirius rushes off.) PRISSY: Ima, Sally, you have to help me! The Fearsome Pirate Flotsam touched me! IMA: Did he make a pass at everybody on this boat but me? SALLY: I didn't think you liked him. IMA: He's a story! It's not my fault he's a cute story. PRISSY: Stop bickering! I've been touched by the the pirate! IMA: Snap out of it! Tell me everything you know about the pirate. SALLY: Miss Hack, can't you see this young lady had been traumatized? IMA: I see a story! SIRIUS: (Entering.I hate that guy!!! SALLY: I don't think Sirius found the pirate. SIRIUS: You!!! PRISSY: Me? SIRIUS: Yeah you! If I never ever see you again it'll be too soon. I could have caught him. But you held me up. SALLY: I thought the pirate held you up. SIRIUS: Thank you for reminding me! PRISSY: I thought you were a fine, up-standing man who wanted to protect women and children. SIRIUS: I'm a banker! I want to protect my money. IMA: What did you lose, Sirius? Did the pirate hit the mail room? The safe? What's the damage? SIRIUS: So many questions and so little time. Leave ... me ... alone!!! IMA: I could do your image a lot of good. PRISSY: So could a good tailor. SIRIUS: Are you still here? PRISSY: I was just leaving. I think I've gotten what I needed. IMA: You think Sirius can protect you? PRISSY: I think I know when I'm not wanted. (Prissy rushes off in tears.) SALLY: I'm beginning to think you're a bully, Mr. Swindlemore. SIRIUS: I'm beginning to think I like your spunk. Normally I don't like spunk. In your case I'm willing to make an exception. IMA: Am I sensing a budding romance here? SALLY: I have no idea what you're talking about. IMA: Maybe a deal to get your father out of the slammer! SALLY: My father is innocent! SIRIUS: I'm beginning to think I'd like to throw you through the nearest porthole. IMA: I have the effect on people. But one last question! SIRIUS: If you promise it really is the last question. SALLY: And there's no romance! IMA: That's nice, dear. Now, Sirius, how did the fearsome Pirate Flotsam know where to strike? How did he find out about the private cops, Sirius? SIRIUS: That's two questions. IMA: Answer them and I'm outta your hair. SIRIUS: I'm holding you to that. All right, Flotsam hit because he always knows where to hit. How he does it I don't know. I really wish I did, but I don't.