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"Shootout at Sadie's Saloon"

Chapter 4

Suni Sadie and Clint argue over the saloon, Clint wants to buy a ranch, marry Sadie, and settle down to raise a large family. Sadie wants to marry Clint and settle down on the ranch after Clint buys it and raise a large family. The problem is the saloon. Sadie promised her late father she would never sell it to Dirk, and Dirk is the only one who is interested in buying it. Clint thinks that Sally can take it over, but Sadie doesn't think Sadie can handle it until she gets some education. Sally never has had time to go to school because their parents died when she was very young and she had to help Sadie at the saloon to make ends meet.

Script Excerpt:

Clint. Well, think about it. You know that you're the only one in the world for me and that I will stand beside you through thick or thin.
Sadie. I know, Clint. And you're the only one in the world for me. (They kiss, lightly.) Well, as my dear sainted mother always said, things always get better. You just have to be patient.
Clint. I know. And I'm a patient man.
Sadie. I know. (Aside.) Boy do I know.
Clint. Well, so long, Sadie.
Sadie. So long, Clint. (They kiss again. Clint exits, Sadie starts cleaning glasses again.)
Sadie. Oh what to do, what to do. It hasn't been easy, running this place all alone! It was bad enough when poor mother died of consumption during the blizzard of '88, but losing father two years later was almost too much! Sally has been such a comfort! And Clint..and Jake..and everybody in town,,,except those two meddling temperance women! I remember dad's last words as if he said them only yesterday. He said "Mind your manners, mind your business, mind the saloon and whatever you do, don't sell out to Devious. I cannot go against dad's dying wish, can I? But Clint wants me to marry him and move out to the old Jackson place. Oh what to do, what to do!


Soon Jake returns and has another drink of his "special Sarsparilla", complaining about the heat. He is worried about the ladies of the Temperance Committee. They have complained to the Mayor, who's wife is a good friend of Hazel and Prudence. Jake has received some questions from the Mayor and is afraid he will order Jake to close down the Saloon. Sadie isn't too worried because the Mayor is a good customer.

Script Excerpt:

Sadie. It will die down, Jake. It always does. Have another drink. On the house. It will soothe your nerves.
Jake. Thanks, but two is my limit. Getting back to the Temperance Committee, I sure wish those two mangy old bats would follow the stage line to Mud Junction." That's the perfect place for them.
Sadie. Well, things will get better Jake.
Jake. They couldn't get much worse.
(The sound of a drum is heard in the distance.)
Jake. Wrong again. Things just got worse.

Suni The ladies of the Temperance Committee make an appearance at the saloon. The want to give Sadie one more chance to close down the saloon before they carry out their latest plan. They intend to hold a town meeting and preach about the evils of demon rum. They hope to create a mob and burn the saloon down. Sadie claims all of the noise they are making has given her a headache so she leaves to lie down for a nap. Jake realizes he is alone with Prudence and Hazel and beats a hasty retreat, leaving the ladies alone. They are about to leave when Dirk enters.

Script Excerpt: 

Dirk. Afternoon ladies, care for a little card game. We could play some "Old Maid.
Hazel. You scoundrel!
Prudence. How dare you!
Hazel. It's people like you that we are getting rid of!"
Prudence. It's people like you that need getting rid of. And good riddance to you, I say!
(Hazel and Prudence exit.) Dirk. Does that mean you aren't interested in a card game? What a pair to draw to! They ought to join a nosey old busy body club! Where's everybody at? Ah! A self-serve bar. (He helps himself to a drink from behind the bar.) Nothing tastes as good as a free drink! I need to keep up the pressure and force those two foolish girls to sell this place to me! They don't know it, but the reason that the stage line moved out is because the Hallam, Hickman and Holland Railroad is moving in! This Saloon will be worth twice as much with all of those thirsty railroad workers in town on Saturday nights! I must, I shall have it for my own." (He laughs evilly as the lights come down.)

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8