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"Shootout at Sadie's Saloon"

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Suni Sadie has no choice. She must do as Dirk says to save Sally. Just as Sadie is about to sign over the saloon to Dirk, which will make him rich when the railroad comes to town, Clint arrives to save the day. He challenges Dirk to a gunfight and they proceed to square off in the traditional western gunfight style, man to man.


Script Excerpt

Clint. All right. This is a good distance. Draw!
Dirk. No, you draw!
Clint. I can't draw first. It's the code of the west.
Dirk. (Aside) I was counting on that, the fool! (To Clint.) Well, I can't draw first. I observe the same code. (Aside) Makes you wonder how any gun fights ever got started, don't it? (To Clint.) Well, it looks like a draw to me. I'll just be leaving now. Got to see a man about a horse. See you. You sure were lucky I didn't plug you. I'm really fast. Bye, bye.
Sadie. You could draw on the count of three.
Clint. There you go.
Dirk. Curses!
Sally. I'll count! Sadie taught me how to count...A little bit. Can I? Please
Clint. All right by me. How about you, Devious?
Dirk. Hold on! Why does she have to count. I can count just as well!" (Aside) "And that way, I can give a quick count and get the drop on this fool!
Clint. Can't let you, Devious. Participants of a gunfight can't count. It would give the person counting an unfair advantage. It's the code of the west. Section 4, article....
Dirk. All right, all right. I believe you. Let Sally count. Let's go on the count of twelve." (Aside) "I happen to know she can't count to twelve.
Clint. No, we have to draw at the count of three. It's--
Sadie, Sally and Dirk. The code of the west!
Clint. Start counting, Sally!
Sally. One!.....Two.....Two..........Clint?
Clint. What?
Sally. I forgot, what comes after two?
Dirk. THREE!
(Clint draws and fires. Dirk cries out and falls down behind seating area on aisle.)
Dirk. Curses! You got me! (He draws gun and shoots at Clint.) I lied! You missed!
(Clint cries out and falls down behind seating area in opposite aisle. Sadie and Sally both scream "Clint!")
Clint. ;You missed too! (Fires back at Dirk. They continue firing and ducking while moving out of the house into the lobby.) Suni Clint returns from chasing Dirk. He is slightly wounded, but managed to also wound Dirk in the leg. Jake enters and says he will pick up Dirk and put him in jail for threatening the sisters. Sadie is tending to Clint's wound when Hazel and Prudence enter. They tell Sadie about the railroad coming to town and also that they want to buy the saloon and turn it into a church for the railroad workers. Sadie doesn't want to sell.

Script Excerpt

Sadie. I don't know ladies. Six thousand is a lot of money. But I promised our poor sainted father that I would continue to run the place.
Clint. What did your father say about marriage? Suni
Sadie. He always wanted me to find the right...MARRIAGE? Are you proposing, Clint?
Clint. Will you marry me, Sadie?
Sally. Say yes, Sadie!
Sadie. Of course the answer is yes, Clint.
Clint. And we can live on the old Jackson place?
Sadie. Of course! If we live on the ranch, you won't be getting into any more of those awful gun fights. And I am also sure that father would want me to sell to these nice ladies. Sally, you can use your half of the money to go to school back east.
The lights fade, leaving all in darkness except Jake.


Script Excerpt

Jake. And that's the way it happened. Sadie and Clint ended up owning the biggest cattle ranch this side of the Dismal River. They also raised a whole bunch of kids. Sally did go to school back east where she fell in love with her arithmetic teacher. They got hitched, lived in the outskirts of Grand Island in a ranch style home with 1.5 out houses, had two kids, a mini wagon and lived happily ever after. Sister Hazel and sister Prudence opened their church and everything was going along good for them. Then sister Hazel ran off with a traveling sarsparilla salesman. About that time sister Prudence sort of got sweet on me. That's when I decided Mud flats needed me more than Adobe wells. And Dirk? Well, I don't exactly know what happened to him. After he served his sentence, he just rode out of town headed west. Mud Flats turned out to be a tough town with a lot of crime and I keep pretty busy. It ain't easy being a sheriff, but it's all I know And a man has got to stay true to his calling. It's the code of the west." (Fade.)


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8